ET history
ElettriTec was founded in 2008 in Siena on the foundations of the old
family business, the "Gamberucci Bruno e Mario" company; it was founded way
back in 1955 by exploiting the know-how of two brothers who had undertaken a
training course in the electrical and electronic field during the Second
World War; in fact, for the entire war period, Bruno was embarked on various
cruisers of the Royal Italian Navy while Mario on submarines, flagship and
example of the highest technology, as technical chief. Once the war was over,
the two brothers took a further training course, making their knowledge,
also acquired in America in Mario's case, available to local companies such
as Tortorelli, at the refrigerated counter factory in Siena, or other
companies that were emerging in that period in full economic boom. The "Gamberucci
Bruno e Mario" company was also the co-founder of the CEIS, Consortium of
Electricians and Installers of Siena and created many electrical systems in
the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors, remaining active until
1990, when the brothers decided to pass on the business and historic
electrical supply shop, in the center of Siena in via di Camollia, to his
sons Silvano and Leonardo who, however, after a short time, split giving
rise to "Gamberucci Silvano" as a company operating in the electrical sector
and subsequently, after a period of absence dedicated entirely to the IT and
electronics sector, to "Elettritec di Gamberucci Leonardo".
The name ElettriTec means Electricity and Technology
and its acronym ET not only has this meaning but recalls the famous
extraterrestrial because like E.T. the extraterrestrial we share curiosity,
industriousness, mental integrity, ethics.....
....virtues that we admire and make our own to propose a professional,
cutting-edge and non-standard way of working, with particular attention
to the final result, to customer satisfaction and not just to profit.
Perhaps in the future there will be a further generational transition thanks
to the presence of Gabriele, the last born of the Gamberucci dynasty whose
educational path, once he has completed his studies, will lead him and if he
wants as an E.T. in search of new horizons.
We take this opportunity to thank all customers, current and future, for the
esteem and trust given to us over many years of work, hoping that the
electricity sector will be further regulated by regulations that focus not
only on the safety of the systems but also on training and control of the
professionals because, in our opinion, being an electrician today means
being a Electrical, Electronic and IT Technical Professional.