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New wireless alarms by DAITEM

For the new alarm systems, we ask you to devote some time to an inspection in order to clarify both technical aspects (solutions based on actual needs) and commercial aspects (economic and aesthetic aspects) in order to be able to do an estimate.

This pre-sales consultancy service is completely free.

Our working style tries to be an interpreter of your wishes and needs

The inspection then becomes the highlight to clarify all doubts about the operation; the next construction method will make the difference between a plant designed to grow over time, or not; everything will be facilitated by the simplicity of installation and future extensions typical of the DAITEM wireless technology that we have been installing for many years with great personal and customer satisfaction.
Finally, the possibility to interact with the installer, both in the realization period and in the post-sale, through various systems such as: telephone, email, sms, WhatsApp.

Communication and transparency are part of our mission

...... without counting experience, seriousness and professionalism.

ElettriTec will carry out the implementation of your alarm system by actively involving you on the choice of installation points: the installation of the sensors, the control panel and the external siren, up to the fixed telephone connection or GSM and / or ADSL.

They may seem logical considerations, but to think of having done "a deal" by choosing a quick or cheaper evaluation (such as low-cost alarm systems proposed by many companies even on the Internet), can lead to unpleasant surprises, such as the classic fakes alarms and malfunctions typical of equipment technologically inferior to DAITEM which will force you in the long run to keep off your alarm system, throwing money away for nothing.

The alarm system in addition to saving us from unpleasant surprises, can be considered an investment and not just a cost.....

.....and it should be chosen taking into consideration several factors that go beyond the cost alone. Let's think for a moment what it means to expand the alarm system by cable and not by radio with the house already furnished, where new needs require the installation of new pipes inside the walls or with the positioning of unsightly external cables

In this regard, we invite you to formulate your requests by contacting us immediately; we will provide as soon as possible to satisfy your every curiosity.


You can request these services by contacting us at the numbers :

 347 - 71 54 657

or even by writing to the email address





Wireless Alarms

New installations

(Italian page)

Alarm offers
(Italian page)

Video survellaince
Network Cameras
Network Recorders



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